Scientific Programme
The meeting is organised in six sessions.
- Current observational status - CMB polarization experiments.
- Galactic modelling I: thermal dust.
- Galactic modelling II: synchrotron and anomalous microwave emission.
- Extragalactic modelling.
- Component separation methods.
- Sky models and forecast for future missions.
The final programme can be found here (pdf).
Monday, OCTOBER 15th, 2018.
9:30-11:00 Session I. Current & planned CMB polarization experiments
- Galli. Planck [PDF]
- Marriage. CLASS [PDF] [Video]
- Poletti. PolarBear/Simons Array [PDF]
- Hill. Simons Observatory [PDF]
11:30-13:30 Session I (cont’)
- Calabrese. ACTPol [PDF]
- Borrill. CMB-S4 [PPTX]
- Pryke. BICEP2 [PDF]
- Taylor. C-BASS [PDF]
- Rubiño-Martín. QUIJOTE [PDF]
- Carretti (presented by Baccigalupi). S-PASS [PDF]
15:00-16:30 Session I (cont’)
- Mennella. LSPE [PDF]
- Tajima. Groundbird [PDF]
- Hamilton. QUBIC [PDF]
- Ganga. E-CMB [PDF]
17:00-18:00 Session I (cont’)
- Kaplan. Greenpol [PPTX]
- Hill-Valler. NextBASS [PPTX]
- Harrington. VPMs CLASS [PDF]
Tuesday, OCTOBER 16th, 2018.
9:00-11:00 Session I (cont’). Planned CMB polarization space missions.
- Hazumi. Litebird [PDF]
- Hanany. PICO [PDF]
- Delabrouille. CORE/CMB-Bharat [PDF]
- Chluba. CMB spectroscopy [PDF]
Session II. Dust.
- Puget (presented by Aumont). Dust polarised foregrounds from PLANCK [PDF]
11:30-13:30 Session II. Dust (cont’).
- Boulanger. Dust physics from Planck [PDF]
- Pelgrims. Modelling dust emission [PDF]
- Mangilli. Dust moments: modelling of polarised dust emission
- Hanany. IDS [PDF]
- Aumont. PILOT [PDF]
Wednesday, OCTOBER 17th, 2018.
9:00-11:00 Session III. AME and synchrotron.
- Peel. AME review [PDF]
- Hensley. AME models [PDF]
- Genova-Santos. AME polarization with QUIJOTE [PDF]
- Poidevin. New AME sources with QUIJOTE [PDF]
- Abitbol. AME in S140 [PPTX]
- Leahy. Synchrotron review [PDF]
11:30-13:30 Session III. AME and synchrotron (cont’)
- Vidal. Large scale Synchrotron and Loop I [PDF]
- Krachmalnicoff. High galactic latitude synchrotron [PDF]
- Watson. 3D model of North Polar Spur [PDF]
- Ruiz-Granados. The FAN region [PDF]
- Jew. C-BASS synchrotron [PDF]
- Harper. C-BASS high galactic latitude synchrotron [PDF]
15:00-16:30 Session III. Synchrotron (cont’)
- Eimer. CLASS 40GHz results [PDF]
- Vansyngel. QUIJOTE results on synchrotron [PDF]
Session IV. Extragalactic modelling.
- de Zotti. Extragalactic research paths explored by space-borne CMB experiments [PDF]
- Massardi. The support of ground-based radio-source observations to cosmological experiments [PDF]
17:00-18:35 Session IV (cont’). Extragalactic modelling.
- Partridge. A brief history of foregrounds [PDF]
- González-Nuevo. Extragalactic sources from Planck [PDF]
- Puglisi. Forecasting polarised radiosources [PDF]
- Herranz. Polarised sources in QUIJOTE maps [PDF]
- Grumitt. C-BASS point sources. [PDF]
Thursday, OCTOBER 18th, 2018.
9:00-11:00 [2h] Session V. Component separation.
- Barreiro. The Planck 2018 CMB maps [PDF]
- Remazeilles. GNILC [PDF]
- Cardoso. SMICA [PDF]
- López-Caniego. Point-source extraction [PDF]
- Casaponsa. Neural networks [PDF]
11:00-11:30 [30min] Coffee break
11:30-13:30 [2h] Session V (cont’). Component separation.
- Poletti. FGBuster [PDF]
- Liu. Morphology of E&B foregrounds [PDF]
- López-Caraballo. Hybrid ILC [PDF]
- Abitbol. CMB spectral distortions [PDF]
- Irfan. New model sparsity [PDF]
Session VI. Sky models and forecasts.
- Treelogic. RADIOFOREGROUNDS platform (presented by Rubino-Martin) [PDF]
13:30-15:00 [1.5h] Lunch break
15:00-16:20 [1:20h] Session VI (cont’). Sky models and forecasts.
- Remazeilles. Lessons from CORE [PDF]
- Delabrouille. PSM [PDF]
- Rotti. Moment expansion method [PDF]
16:20-16:50 [30min] Coffee break
16:50-18:15 [1:25h] Session VI (cont’). Forecasting future experiments.
- Errard. Forecasting galactic foregrounds cleaning with parametric, pixel-based, max-likelihood approach [PDF]
- Zonca. PySM [PDF]
- Fernandez-Cobos. Forecasts with forthcoming experiments [PDF]
- Round table: “CMB foregrounds for B-mode studies”. Moderator: Baccigalupi. [PDF]
End of meeting.