Cosmology School in the Canary Islands 18-22.09/2017

Monday, 18 SEPTEMBER 2017

1) LSS and Dark Energy

9:00-9:30 Welcome, registration

9:30-10:30 [1.5h] Plenary lecture: Yun Wang (Dark Energy review, EUCLID, WFIRST) [PDF]

10:30-11:00 [20min] Coffee break

11:00-11:30 [30min] continuation plenary lecture

(1 plenary lecture, 7 focussed lectures)

Focused lectures:

  1. PT theory, alternative gravity theories, and cosmological parameter estimation:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    1. 11:30-12:10 [40min] EFT, PT (CLASS): Diego Blas [PDF]

    2. ​​​​​​​12:10-12:40 [40min] SPT, RPT: Martín Crocce [PDF]
    3. 12:40-13:00 14:30-14:50 [40min] Alternative gravity models (CLASS): Miguel Zumalacárregui Pérez [PDF]

    4. 13:00-14:30 [1.5h]  Lunch break

    5. 14:50-15:30 [40min] Cosmological parameter estimation (CLASS, HiCLASS, Montepython, COSMOMC): Antonio J. Cuesta [PDF]

  2. Neutrino physics and LSS

    1. 15:30-16:00 [50min] Theory: Sergio Pastor Carpi (includes Olga Mena's observations contribution) [PDF]

16:00-16:30 [30min]  Coffee break and poster session

16:30-18:00 [1.5h] Discussion session

17:30-19:30 [2h] Projects: Montepython and HiClass directed by Antonio Cuesta and Miguel Zumalacárregui [PDF]

Tuesday: 19 SEPTEMBER 2017

2) LSS Galaxy surveys, BAO & RSD

(1 plenary lecture, 7 focussed lectures)

9:00-10:30 [1.5h] Plenary lecture: Will J. Percival (Galaxy Surveys, eBOSS, EUCLID, DESI, VIPERS) [PDF]

10:30-10:50 [20min] Coffee break

Focused lectures:

  1. BAO, RSD and higher order statistics:

    1. 11:00-11:20 [20min] Introduction to RSD modelling: Yi Zheng [PDF]

    2. 11:20-12:00 [40min] RSD, BAO modelling and measurement, and bispectrum: Hector Gil Marín (BOSS, eBOSS) [PDF]

    3. 12:00-12:40 [40min] Multipole expansions and 3 point correlation functions: Zachary Slepian (BOSS, eBOSS, DESI) [PDF]

    4. 13:00-14:30 [1.5h]  Lunch break

  2. Photometric surveys and BAO & RSD:

    1. ​​​​​​​14:30-14:50 [20min] 2MPZ angular power spectrum: Andrés Balaguera-Antolínez (eBOSS, EUCLID) [PDF]

    2. 14:50-15:10 [20min] DES angular correlation function: Martín Crocce (DES, DESI, EUCLID, PAU) [PDF]

    3. 15:10-15:40 [20min] Alhambra novel analysis techniques: Vicent Martínez (ALHAMBRA, EUCLID, JPAS) [PDF]


Wednesday, 20 SEPTEMBER 2017

3) The Nonlinear Universe and the Cosmic-Web

(1 plenary lecture, 6 focussed lectures)

9:00-10:40 [1h40min] Plenary lecture: Rien van de Weygaert (phase-space, cosmic web, cosmic voids, data analysis) [PDF]

10:40-11:00 [20min] Coffee break

Focused lectures:

  1. 11:00-11:40 [40min] Dark matter structure formation: Raul E. Angulo (EUCLID, JPAS) [PDF]
  2. 11:40-12:20 [40min] LensingR. Benton Metcalf [PDF]
  3. Cosmic Web:
    1. 12:20-12:40 [20min] Phase-space: Bridget Falck [PDF]

    2. 12:40-13:00 [20min] Voronoi, Delaunay tessellations, and digital signal processing of the cosmic web: Marius Cautun [PDF]

  4. 13:00-14:30 [1.5h]  Lunch break

  5. 14:30-15:10 [40min] Statistical analysis in cosmology: Francisco-Shu Kitaura (eBOSS, EUCLID, DESI, JPAS, 4MOST) [PDF]

  6. 15:10-15:50 [40min] The Local Universe (Tully-Fisher, constrained simulations): Jenny Sorce (COSMIC FLOWS, EUCLID, 4MOST) [PDF]

15:50-16:20 [30min]  Discussion session

16:20-17:00 [40min] Coffee break and poster session

17:00-19:00 [2h] Projects: Virtual observatories directed by Jenny Sorce

Thursday 21 SEPTEMBER 2017

4) CMB cross-correlations with LSS

(1 plenary lecture, 5 focussed lectures)

9:00-10:30 [1.5h] Plenary lecture: Nabila Aghanim (Introduction to CMB, CMB clusters, EUCLID, PLANCK) [PDF]

10:30-10:50 [20min] Coffee break

Focused lectures:

  1. 10:50-11:20 [30min]  kSZ, ISW: Carlos Hernández Monteagudo (EUCLID, JPAS, PLANCK) [PDF]

  2. 11:20-11:50 [30min]  Theory of CMB polarization, and current status of CMB polarization measurements​​​​​​​: Jose Alberto Rubiño Martín (eBOSS, EUCLID, QUIJOTE, PLANCK) [PDF]

  3. 11:50-12:20 [30min] Polarized foregrounds (synchrotron, dust, AME) : Ricardo T. Génova Santos (eBOSS, EUCLID, QUIJOTE, PLANCK) [PDF]

  4. 12:20-12:50 [30min] Component separation methods and forecasting of r-detectability with future experiments (e.g. CORE): Belén Barreiro (PLANCK,QUIJOTE) [PDF]

  5. 13:00-14:30 [1.5h]  Lunch break

  6. 14:30-15:00 [30min] Spectral distortions: Jens Chluba [PDF]

15:00-15:30 [30min]  Discussion session

15:30-16:00 [50min] Coffee break and poster session

16:00-18:00 [2h] Projects: Spectral distortions or recombination directed by Jens Chluba [PDF1, PDF2] and Modelling galaxy populations: combining simulations results with observed scaling relations directed by Ariana Di Cintio [IDL.PRO].



5) Reionization, 21cm line, Ly-alpha forest and galaxy formation

(1 plenary lecture, 5 focussed lectures)

Focused lectures:

  1. 9:00-10:40 [1h40min] Galaxy formation:

    1. Numerical modelling of galaxy formation and evolution​​​​​​​: Claudio Dalla Vecchia (eBOSS, BOSS) [PDF]

    2. Predictions of LCDM on galaxy scales: the need to understand baryonic physics​​​​​​​: Chris Brook [PDF]

    3. The internal structure of DM haloes in the presence of baryons​​​​​​​: Arianna di Cintio  ​​​​​​​[PDF]

10:40-11:00 [20min] Coffee break

11:00-13:00 [2h] Plenary lecture: Andrea Ferrara (Reionization, first stars, first galaxies, 21cm cosmology, SKA) [PDF]

13:00-14:30 [1.5h]  Lunch break

​​​​​​​14:30-15:30 [1h] Lyman alpha forest cosmology: Andreu Font Ribera (eBOSS, BOSS, DESI) [PDF]

15:30-16:30 Summary of the school  (includes links to the different lectures by clicking on the names) [PDF]