to IAU
Symposium 241

Scientific Programme


  • 09:00-09:15 Welcome

Session: Model Ingredients: Stellar Evolution Models
(Chair: Bressan, A.)

Session: Model Ingredients: Stellar Spectral Libraries
(Chair: VandenBerg, D.)

(Chair: Peterson, R.) Session: Model Ingredients: IMF
(Chair: Peterson, R.)
  • 17:00-17:30 Coffee Break
  • 17:30-17:50 Poster Summary I: Heap, S
  • 17:50-19:00 Stellar Evol. Challenge - convener: Achim Weiss


Session: Stellar Population Models
(Chair: Rose, J.)

(Chair: Cassisi, S.)

Session: Stellar Populations in the Milky Way
(Chair: Nordström, B.)


Session: Resolved Stellar Populations in the Local Group
(Chair: Gustafsson, B.)

(Chair: Gallart, C.)


(Chair: Cacciari, C.)

Session: Stellar Populations in Early-type Galaxies
(Chair: Gonzalez, J.)

(Chair: Knapen, J.)

Session: Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems 
(Chair: Vazdekis, A.)

  • 20:30 Conference Banquet


Session: Stellar Populations in Late-type Galaxies
(Chair: Arimoto, N.)

Session: Stellar Populations at Higher Redshifts
(Chair: Balcells, M.)

Session: New observing facilities
(Chair: Peletier, R.)

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