to IAU
Symposium 241


The proceedings volume of the IAUS241 will be published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). The cost of the Proceedings of all IAU Symposia to be held in 2006 is USD 75,- per volume for participants. The cost of the volume is included in the registration fee and each participant will automatically receive a copy of the Proceedings.

Instructions and style file for Authors on how to prepare papers can be found here. Please read the README.txt file. The page allocation per contribution is the following:

  • Invited Reviews: 8 pages
  • Contributed Papers: 4 pages
  • Poster Papers: 2 pages
Figures and references are included within these limits.

To upload your proceedings please use the following ftp address, where a subdirectory named with your surname should be created:

user: iaus241
mkdir your_surname
mput your_surname*

Please use your surname to name your submited files and figures (your_surname.tex, your_surname_fig1.eps, ...). Should you have more than a single contribution should these steps be repeated (your-surname_1, your_surname_2, ...).  Once you have downloaded your files please inform us by sending an e-mail to (it works if you just include in the subject: procs downloaded).

The contract with CUP stipulates that Proceedings will be published six months after the Symposium. CUP needs three months for the production process, leaving the three months right after the Symposium for the Editors to complete their task.

All contributors to volumes published in the IAU series must therefore fill out and sign a Consent to Publish & Transfer of Copyright  and submit it to the Editors of the Proceedings. The Editors of the Proceedings are A. Vazdekis and R. Peletier.

Deadline for final version of the manuscript:  January 31, 2007. This deadline will not be extended!!.

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