to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

The NGC 5128 Globular Cluster System
D. Geisler, M. Gomez, K. Woodley, W. Harris, G. Harris

I will present a review of our recent work on the globular cluster system of NGC 5128, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy. This includes imaging (with the CTIO 4m + MOSAIC, Magellan + MagIC and IMACS, and Gemini-S + GMOS) and spectroscopy (with the CTIO 4m + Hydra, Magellan + LDSS-2 and Gemini-S + GMOS). This extensive database provides a wealth of data to study the globular clusters. We will discuss the cluster census, resolution of clusters, their structural parameters, the metallicity distribution and initial spectroscopic results.

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