to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

Stellar Populations of BzK Galaxies
N. Arimoto, X.Kong, E.Daddi, A.Renzini, A,Cimatti, M.Onodera

We report on the properties of K-selected galaxies, identified from a total area of $\sim 920$ arcmin$^2$ to $K_{\rm Vega}=19$, of which $320$ arcmin$^2$ are complete to $K_{\rm Vega}=20$. The {\it BzK} selection technique was used to assemble complete samples of about 500 candidate massive star-forming galaxies (sBzKs) and about 160 candidate massive passively evolving galaxies (pBzKs) at $1.41.4$, which has been quenched by the present day.

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