to IAU
Symposium 241

Meeting Schedule and Format

Scientific sessions will take place from Monday, December 11th, through Friday, December 15th, with about 200 participants. The format of the conference will be organized with a total of 9 sessions of about 4 hours each.  Each topic will be introduced by an invited review of 30 minutes (+10 min for discussion) followed by talks of 20 minutes (including discussion to allow a reasonably large number of participants to speak.  There will be five poster sessions scheduled during the first three days of the meeting. In each session a senior researcher will summarize about 30 posters in 20 minutes. The posters were grouped by topics. The programme includes two specialized sessions where participants will be split into three groups to discuss specific hot topics. In addition, there will be two sessions dedicated to two important problems ("challenges") in the field of:  (a) Stellar Evolution Codes  (b) Stellar Population Analysis.

Public Outreach Programme

In parallel with the main scientific programme we have arranged the following events:

  1. Basic course on stellar population in galaxies, aimed at secondary school teachers and other interested graduates. Lecturer: Prof. G. Bruzual
  2. A popular talk for a wider public will be given by Prof. R. Peletier in Los Llanos de Aridane, the capital of the west side of the island.

Conference Venue and Facilities

The IAU Symposium No 241 will take place at the conference centre of the Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa, where the participants are accommodated. This hotel has full facilities for conference users including:

  • A large conference hall.
  • A small computing centre with high-speed links. This will provided by the IAC for the conference and will be available during conference hours only.
  • Ample poster area for poster exhibitions. Individual panels (1m x 1m) will be provided.
  • Overhead and multimedia projectors, and computer display facilities for your laptop.
  • Coffee-breaks will be held within the posters area.
  • Wireless facillity in the Hotel ground floor and in the conference room.

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