to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

The HST/ACS Galactic Globular Cluster Treasury Project
A. Sarajedini, J. Anderson, A. Aparicio, L. Bedin, B. Chaboyer, I. King, S. Majewski, G. Piotto, I. N. Reid, A. Rosenberg, M. Siegel, A. Marin-Franch, and M. Hempel

We present a few of the results from our HST/ACS Treasury Project focusing on the Galactic globular clusters. This study has obtained Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging for 66 globular clusters endeavoring to attain S/N > 10 down to 0.2 solar mass along the main sequence. Our target list includes the nearest 59 clusters with low reddening along with additional clusters of special interest such as those associated with the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy.

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