Welcome. Pere L. Pallé


Workshop Overview. Rafael A. García


Session #1: Low degree peak-bagging techniques


Overview. Jerome Ballot


Short Talk #1: Hans Kjeldsen

Short Talk #2: Enrico Corsaro


Session #2: On numerical solar inversions and the properties of the mode sets

Overview. Maria Pia di Mauro


Short Talk #1: Hannah Schunker

Short Talk #2: Antonio Eff-Darwich

Short Talk #3: Paul Beck


Session #3: Implementation of a solar activity proxy from helioseismic observations


Overview: Rafael A. García


Short Talk #1: Martin Nielsen




Session #4: Mid- and High-degree peak bagging techniques

Overview: Sylvain Korzennik


Short Talk #1: Markus Roth

Short Talk #2: David Salabert

Short Talk #3: David Salabert




Session #5: Optimal exploitation of different simultaneous/contemporaneous data sets

Overview: Anne-Marie Broomhall




Session #6: New Projects & Summary of the workshop


Overview: Rafael A. García


Short Talk #1: Markus Roth

Short Talk #2: Thierry Appourchaux