Scientific programme

The Workshop is organized on a total of 6 half-day sessions (morning & afternoon) from Tuesday – Thursday (11th-13th March).

Each of the sessions will begin with a review talk that will summarize the state of art of the topic and also point out challenges and open questions to be considered



Typical day schedule

09:00 - 11:00 Review talk and discussions

11:00 - 11:30 coffee break

11:30 - 13:30 discussions


13:30  lunch


15:30 - 17:30 Review talk and discussions

17:30 - 18:00 coffee break

18:00 - 19:30 discussions


20:15  dinner


Tuesday March 11, 2014

 08:45  Welcome and "Tour de Table"

(All participants present themselves and indicate the field they are working in)

Session #1. Low-degree peak-bagging techniques (feedback to and from asteroseismology)
Session Leader: Jerome Ballot (IRAP)

The different strategies (global, by even-odd groups, etc) at different freq. ranges

The different minimization techniques

The length of the temporal series effect on the derived parameters

The uncertainties on the parameters and their physical meaning

Current limitations and foreseen progress


Short presentations (provisonal) by: Hans Kjeldsen, Enrico Corsaro, …

Session #2. On numerical solar inversions and the properties of the mode sets
Session Leader: Maria Pia di Mauro (INAF)

Redundant information on frequency data sets

Complementary information on frequency data sets

Observational requirements (characteristics of the modes) for a minimum meaningful inversion of stellar interiors


Short presentations (provisonal) by: Hannah Schunker, Antonio Eff-Darwich,..



Wednesday March 12, 2014

Session #3: "Implementation of a solar activity proxy from helioseismic observations"
Session Leader: Rafael García (CEA-Saclay)

The derivation of solar activity proxies from Helioseismic observations.

From the photometric and velocity time series.
From temporal behaviour of solar eigenfrequencies (just p-modes?)
Differentiate information depending on:
    Angular degree range (low, mid and high-l)
    Frequency range,...

=> Agreement and definition of the associated deliverable: the Standard Photometric Helioseismic Activity proXy (SPHAX)


Short presentations (provisonal) by:Martin Nielsen,..


Session #4. Mid- and High-degree peak bagging techniques
Session Leader: Sylvain Korzennik (CfA)

The different strategies at different freq. ranges

The different minimization techniques

The length of the temporal series effect on the derived parameters

The uncertainties on the parameters

Current limitations and foreseen progress

=> Conceptual scheme of the peak-bagging tool to be delivered


Short presentations (provisonal) by:Markus Roth, David Salabert,..


Thursday March 13, 2014

Session #5.  Optimal exploitation of different simultaneous/contemporaneous data sets
Session Leader: Anne-Marie Broomhall (U. Warwich)

Different solar physical magnitudes (flux, radial velocity, etc.)

Different intrinsic noise sources and systematics

Challenge to derive a standard procedure to optimize the combined use of all data sets

=> Definition and contents of the associated deliverable


Short presentations (provisonal) by:David Salabert,..


Session #6. Summary of the workshop and wrap-up
Chairman: Antonio Eff-Darwich (ULL/IAC)

 Definition of the tasks to be performed (deliverables), responsibilities (who) and temporal planning.


Short presentations (provisonal) by: Markus Roth, Hans Kjeldsen, Thierry Appourchaux,..