Poster abstracts list

List of submitted abstracts ordered by presenting author.

1- GTC/OSIRIS: a nre "eye" for Cataclysmic Variables
Presenting author: Alessandro Ederoclite
2- The role of bremsstrahlung in spectral formation of accreting black holes
Presenting author: Alexandra Veledina
3- Interacting close binaries with no accretion disk
Presenting author: B. Kalomeni
4- Long-term variability in AM CVn systems
Presenting author: Barclay, T
5- The Galactic centre in the mm-regime: Observations with CARMA
Presenting author: Devaky Kunneriath
6- Optical/NIR counterparts of Galactic X-ray sources
Presenting author: Eva Ratti
7- Imaging low AGN and their Hosts at High Angular Resolution
Presenting author: Evangelia Tremou
8- The hydrodynamic interplay between super-massive black holes and young nuclear starnursts
Presenting author: Hueyotl-Zahuantitla Filiberto
9- A toy model for irradation pressure effects in binaries
Presenting author:
10- Theoretical versus observational lightcurves of AM CVn stars
Presenting author: Iwona Koptko
11- Spectral variability of ultraluminous X-ray sources
Presenting author: Jari J. E. Kajava
12- Multi-wavelength Observations of Microquasars with the Optical, Infrared and Radio Telescopes
Presenting author: Jeong-Sook Kim
13- Transfering Large-scale Astronomical Data between Korea and Japan
Presenting author: Jeong-Sook Kim
14- Unveiling new quiescent black holes
Presenting author:
15- Synchrotron "Jets" in Unexpected Places
Presenting author: Jillian Bornak
16- Modelling the Circumstellar Disc in X Ray Binaries
Presenting author: John Jones
17- High-energy emission from the vicinity of supermassive black holes - is the core of M87 the origin of its TeV-Emission?
Presenting author: Katharina Brodatzki
18- Mapping emission line features in CVs
Presenting author: L. van Spaandonk
19- Hard X-Ray observations of high-speed flickering and jet formation in GRS 1915+105
Presenting author: Lasso Cabrera, Nestor.
20- Activity on the Secondary Stars of Cataclysmic Variables
Presenting author: Leonardo Almeida
21- The X-ray and Optical Properties of Swift BAT Hard X-ray Detected AGNs
Presenting author: Lisa Winter
22- Line profile variability due to perturbations in AGN accretion disk emissivity
Presenting author: M. Stalevski
23- Flaring Activity of Sagittarius A*: Importance of NIR polarimetry
Presenting author: M. Zamaninasab
24- Low accretion mode or dusty star formation? The case of the composite galaxy IRAS 01072+4954
Presenting author: Monica Valencia-S.
25- X-ray and optical emission mechanisms in AGNs and estimations of the masses of black holes.
Presenting author: N. G. Chesnok
26- The Extreme Flux Density States of Sagittarius A*
Presenting author: N. Sabha
27- Chandra studies of M31 black hole transients
Presenting author: Nakisa Nooraee
28- Gravitational lensing in plasma
Presenting author: O.Yu. Tsupko
29- Globular Clusters and X-Ray Source Populations in NGC4261
Presenting author: Paolo Bonfini
30- Observational Evidence for Young Radio Galaxies are Triggered by Accretion Disk Instability
Presenting author: Qingwen Wu
31- Jet Power Extracted from ADAF and the Applications to XRBs and Radio Galaxy FRI/II Dichotomy
Presenting author: Qingwen Wu
32- The nuclear environment of the closest Seyfert II galaxies
Presenting author: Sebastian Fischer
33- Global dynamics of advection-dominated accretion flows with magnetically driven outflow
Presenting author: Shuang-Liang Li
34- Modelling the polarized emission of an eclipsing polar with two post-shock regions
Presenting author: Silva, K. M. G.
35- Radiation pressure and pulsation effects on the Roche lobe
Presenting author: T. Dermine
36- SS433 X-ray continuum: Monte Carlo simulations
Presenting author: Yu.M. Krivosheyev