Poster abstract details

The role of bremsstrahlung in spectral formation of accreting black holes
Alexandra Veledina, Juri Poutanen and Indrek Vurm


To describe spectral evolution in the medium of compact magnetized objects, one has to consider self-consistent problem, as lepton distributions depend strongly on the radiation field. The problem was treated in terms of system of kinetic equations. To describe spectral formation under joint action of Compton scattering, synchrotron mechanism, pair production (and pair annihilation), the code (Poutanen \& Vurm, 2009; Vurm \& Poutanen, 2009) was developed. It was shown, that mentioned processes can describe the observed spectra of Cyg X-1. Our aim is to examine the role of bremsstrahlung. It was shown that bremsstrahlung is important to consider for low-luminosity objects (with $L \approx 10^{-4} - 10^{-2} L_{Edd}$, where $L_{Edd}$ is the Eddington luminosity). For objects with high luminosity bremsstrahlung doesn't determine neither spectral formation nor lepton distributions.