Radio observations of pulsars and X-ray binary systems
Andrea Possenti, Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari, Itlay
Lesson 1: Rudiments on pulsars
- formation of neutron stars
- energetics
- basics of pulsar electrodynamics
- profile phenomenology
- zoology
Lesson 2: Binary pulsars and their evolution
- - basics of binary and accretion theory
- high mass binary pulsar evolution
- low mass binary pulsar evolution
- transitional and eclipsing binaries
- other interesting binaries
Lesson 3a Lecture 3b: Pulsar timing concepts [isolated pulsars]
- timing observation procedure
- barycentering the data at infinite frequency
- timing model
Lesson 4a Lecture 4b: Pulsar timing concepts [binary pulsars]
- classical orbit laws
- relativistic effects
- binary corrections to the timing model of an isolated pulsar
Lesson 5: Pulsar timing as a tool for fundamental physics (a)
- constraints to general relativity
- the case of the Double pulsar
- constraints to general theories of gravity
Lesson 6: Pulsar timing as a tool for fundamental physics (b)
- direct detection of gravitational waves
- constraints on nuclear matter interactions
- investigations of globular clusters, ism, galactic B-field