Radiation Processes and models
Julian Malzac (University of Toulouse, France)
Lesson 1: Introduction to compact objects: The sources of power
- Rotation (pulsars)
- Magnetic fields (Magnetars)
- Gravitation (basics of accretion in binary system with a compact star/BH)
- mass transfer
- accretion flows (hot vs cold) and interaction with compact star (magnetised vs unmagnetised, hard surface vs no surface)
- jet launching
- Thermo-nuclear (Novae/X-ray bursters)
Lesson 2: Radiation processes:
- Cyclo-synchrotron
- Curvature radiation
- Compton
- Bremstrahlung
- Electron/positron pair production and annihilation
Lesson 3: Models for the variable multi-wavelength emission of black hole binaries: accretion flow
- the structure of inner accretion flow inferred from X-ray spectral modelling
- the most popular model for the X-ray fast variability and QPOs
- fast optical variability from the accretion flow:
- disk reprocessing
- synchrotron emission
- from non-thermal particles in the hot corona
- optical QPOs from the accretion flow
Lesson 4: Models for the variable multi-wavelength emission of black hole binaries: compact jets
- standard jet spectral model and the problem of dissipation jets
- the internal shock model: multi-wavelength spectral and timing properties
- IR/optical QPOs from jet precession
- IR/opt/X-ray fast timing correlations as a probe for the coupled
- dynamics of accretion and ejection