Poster abstract details
Looking at tidal features in interacting galaxies: clues to mass transfer and induced SF
We address the issues of mass transfer and induced star formation occuring during galaxy encounters through the detailed study of the ionized gaseous component and stellar populations in different regions (center vs outskirts) and along the tidal bridge of the isolated interacting galaxy pair NGC 5953/54 (KPG 468) using OSIRIS in its LS mode. We seek to establish a link between the SF processes in the central parts of interacting galaxies and the SF processes along their tidal features, to trace the process of gas funneling and to identify any mass transfer along tidal features.
Though statistical studies provide important input to the topic of mass transfer, the process of tidal mass transfer remains hard to study. Case studies with details on the star formation history (SFH) of interacting galaxies can provide concise information to answer some of those questions.
Though statistical studies provide important input to the topic of mass transfer, the process of tidal mass transfer remains hard to study. Case studies with details on the star formation history (SFH) of interacting galaxies can provide concise information to answer some of those questions.