The Fourth "Science with the GTC" Meeting will be held from 16-18 November, 2011 in La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain).
Scientific Rationale
The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) is now under routine scientific operation. Astronomers from the three GTC communities, as well as others, have now data of excellent quality. More data will be steadily being gathered and distributed to many colleagues in the coming months. So, after so many years of preparation, and three conferences promising outstanding science, it is now time to check upon those promises, to test that excellent science is actually coming out of the GTC, and to present to the world the science highlights achieved with the GTC. Three former “Science with the GTC” meetings have been held so far, in Granada (Spain), Mexico D.F. and Coral Gables, Florida. It is about time that a conference is held in La Palma, the site of the GTC, and on this occasion with real GTC data.
The main aim of this IV meeting on "Science with the GTC" is therefore to gather together once again to discuss on science, present hot results, learn about GTC and its science operation and give a further push to ongoing or incipient collaborations between our GTC communities.
The Fourth "Science with GTC" meeting will be hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). The Consolider-GTC collaboration is in charge of the organization.