Poster abstract details

Galaxy evolution in clusters and Intergalactic Star Formation: the potential of GTC
Bravo-Alfaro, H., Mayya, D., Cortese, L., Scott, T., Brinks, E.


In the last few years several late-type galaxies in clusters have been reported having deeply disrupted stellar disks, and others with extended Halpha/HI tails. They constitute good candidates to be at the origin of intra cluster star formation, confirming the strong transformation occurring on galaxies during their infall towards massive clusters. In this work we show preliminary results on HI-optical imaging and spectra of such disrupted galaxies and groups with long HI-tails. We describe the expected results that GTC-OSIRIS spectra will produce by the scan along those tidal structures, and analyze the relation between such infalling galaxies/groups and the origin of both, the intra cluster light features, and ultra compact dwarf galaxies.