Poster abstract details

The Telescope and Instrumentation Network: technical partnership between Grantecan and the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
Pedro Alvarez, Marc Balcells, Rene Rutten, Don Carlos Abrams, Michiel van der Hoeven


In January 2011 Grantecan and the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING)
created the GTC-ING Telescope and Instrumentation Network, a framework aimed
at facilitating technical collaboration between the two organisations. The Agreement allows to develop synergies and to retain qualified staff. Common activities are
organised as projects following well established and documented procedures.
The first common project undertaken by the T & I Network was the diagnosis
and repair of the thermal short in the OSIRIS cryostat. This project was
successfully completed in May 2011, and has led to a robust and efficient
operation of OSIRIS.