Plenary /invited talks: 25 minutes (talk) + 5 minutes (questions)
Parallel talks: 12 minutes (taks) + 3 minutes (questions)
Talks can be projected:
- from speaker's own laptop
- using the computer of the room. The responsible of each session will contact the speakers to request the PDFs. The files will be sent to the meeting's drive so that they can be accessed from all computers. More information will be provided by email
- Electronic posters:electronic posters will not be printed.
Upload your poster to Zenodo until Sunday September 4
- A3 posters: The A3 posters brought by the participants will be displayed by the organizers from Monday September 5
You can access all posters in Zenodo:
Accesing Posters in Zenodo
We encourage to check-out the posters in Zenodo.
Login into Zenodo, search for the community "sea2022" and click on view and enjoy!