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Press Releases


6 October


Tomorrow the Forum “100xCIENCIA” will be inaugurated in La Palma

1 October


The science popularizar Esther Sánchez-García wins the “TU MINUTO DE CIENCIA (YOUR MINUTE OF SCIENCE)” prize for her video “Autumn: red in America, and yellow in Europe”

21 September


Over 150 people have registered for the “100XCIENCIA” forum which will be held on La Palma from 7th to 9th October

25 August


"Your moment of science" Competition

31 July


Published resolution of Travel Grants to attend 100xCIENCIA

19 June


Travel support to attend the 100xCiencia Forum

11 June


Centres of Excellence in Research organize an international meeting between scientists and communicators

5 June


Live a unique experience

1 June


La Palma will host the first 100xCIENCIA forum




9 October


The “casting” of Spanish Science By Mónica G. Salomone





Patricia Fernández de Lis


“The Severo Ochoa award has given an impulse to excellence in science”

Antonio Calvo Roy


“We won’t have a strong system of science until we have a robust communication system” 

Pampa García Molina


“The best way to fight pseudoscience is to inform without teaching”

Pablo Jáuregui


“If science is narrated well, it can be exciting for all types of audiences”

Pere Estupinyà


“The effects of poor popularization are not usually noticed”

Javier Gregori


"The Severo Ochoa awards are the 'European Champions League' of science"

Juan Lerma


“Understanding the brain is one of the major challenges of modern science”

Kenneth Chang


“Everyone wishes there were a magic formula for figuring out the best mix of applied science and pure science”

Joan Guinovart


"Popularizing science is one of the priorities of the IRB Barcelona"

Teresa García Milà


"In the BGSE we pay special attention to the programme for retaining and attracting talent"

María Lapetra


“Communicating the results of I+D+i in an efficient and attractive way is totally necessary”

Mateo Valero


“The Barcelona Supercomputing Center can do a great deal for the new small businesses, which are the companies of the future”

Luis Vega


“BCAM promotes Mathematics as a service to society”

Manel Martínez


“The Severo Ochoa programme at IFAE has been fundamental in assuring the current level of excellence in the research lines of our centre”

Luis Torner


“The Severo Ochoa Award has allowed us to keep the talent which we would have lost”

Josep Samitier


“The Medicine of the future, regenerative therapies, and active ageing, the main topics in Bioengineering which are being developed thanks to the Severo Ochoa Award for Excellence”

Michela Bertero


“The CRG has organized its first project of citizen science ‘Put your tongue out’”

Juan José Hdez.-Rey


“We are quite frankly worried about the possibility that we will lose the young talent which has cost so much to train”

Luis Ibáñez


“In the Institute of Theoretical Physics we want to answer the question 'what is dark energy?'”

Noemí Gómez


“Specialization is fundamental for the quality of journalism”

Manuel de León


“The Institute of Mathematical Sciences needs more autonomy, as do many of the Severo Ochoa Centres”

Miquel A. Pericàs


“In the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia we are especially committed to the educational community”



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100xCIENCIA Communicating Frontier Science. La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), October 2015
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