Centres of Excellence in Research organize an international meeting between scientists and communicators


  • "100xCIENCIA" will take place on 7th and 8th October 2015 on the island of La Palma (Canary Islands)
  • Top scientists from the 20 research centres distinguished with the “Severo Ochoa” award will attend, together with journalists and other communicators well known internationally
  • Inscription for the meeting is now open on www.100xciencia.com with no fee


On 7th and 8th October the island of La Palma will welcome the first edition of the 100xCiencia (100%Science) Conference (Communicating Frontier Science). At this meeting the 20 Spanish research centres recognized via the “Severo Ochoa” (SO) programme of excellence will bring their forefront science closer to the communications media and to the general public. It will also be a forum in which to debate communication and outreach in science. Via round table discussions, and talks by communicators and international journalists, a debate will be promoted about communication strategies and the impact of science on the media and society.

The aim of 100xCiencia is to be a meeting point between scientists, journalists, and popularize. “By organizing this forum” explains Rafael Rebolo, the chairman of the Organizing Committee, “we want to stimulate and create new forms of collaboration which will let us bring our research closer to society in general, and especially to young people. The future of a society is closely bound to the quality of its science, the work and dedication of its scientists, but also the support and the technical resources they receive. It is essential to increase public interest in science in order to maximize this support. For that reason we want, and indeed we need to improve the way we transmit the work of science on behalf of everybody”.

An invited group of well recognized science communicators will attend the meeting, and representatives of the major communications media, both national and international, will take an active part. Planning of the programme will be completed in the next few weeks. Inscription has already opened, and can be done on our website (inscription is free but limited places are available).

The “Severo Ochoa” centres cover practically all fields of knowledge, from astrophysics and mathematics to the environment and biomedicine, and also the humanities.

During the round table sessions questions of mutual interest to communicators and scientists will be debates, including the presence of science in the media, the role of research in the great challenges facing our society today, the impact of outreach activity, and the state of science politics in Spain, and in Europe as a whole. Complementary to the conference there will be a set of outreach activities for the people living on La Palma.


More information: 

100xCiencia is organized by the 20 “Severo Ochoa” centres of excellence at present recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO), will the collaboration of the Island Cabildo of La Palma, and the City Council of Santa Cruz de La Palma. It is the first coordinated effort in the field of communication by the “Severo Ochoa” centres, and its aim is to create an area of collaboration to optimize their efforts in communication and outreach.

More detailed information about the event can be found in the Dossier de prensa (Press Dossier). News can be found on our Twitter and Facebook profiles.



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Contact: info@100xciencia.com       Phone: +34 922605336; +34 660507549
100xCIENCIA Communicating Frontier Science. La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), October 2015
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