Travel Support


The Organization of the 100XCIENCIA forum announces a limited number of travel and accommodation grants for students of journalism and young journalists/communicators of science to attend the meeting 100xCIENCIA: Communicating Frontier Science.

The aim of these travel grants is to give present and future science communicators the opportunity to get to know the research which is being carried out at the Severo Ochoa centres and the scientific and technical challenges facing these centres. The grants will let them participate, together with researchers and professional communicators with high international prestige, in discussions on how to improve the social perception of frontier science.

The grants will cover the costs of: the journey to La Palma, 4 nights of half-board accommodation (from Tuesday 6th October until Saturday 10th October 2015), transport and meals during the visit to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on Friday 9th October, up to a maximum of €1,000.

Requirements for candidates

There are two classes of candidates:

  1. Journalists and scientific communicators less than 35 years old, who can show that they have an active role in the dissemination of information about science, in newspapers and other forms of print, on TV, radio, digital media, blogs, social networks, etc.
  2. Students of journalism or science communication who are in their final two years of a degree or a Master’s, with a demonstrated interest in science journalism.


Those interested in seeking the 100XCIENCIA travel support should fill in the web form identifying their specific class, and provide the documents listed below, before 24.00h on July 19th 2015:

1. Journalists and scientific communicators  

    • A short CV including a list of previous publications  and data allowing us to contact two people scientific and/or journalistic circles who can give references about the work of the person seeking the grant.
    • A letter explaining motives for wishing to attend, which should include as examples three publications (articles, podcasts, web postings, videos etc) of science communication published in the past 2 years, indicating in which of the media they were published and the resulting impact (number of readers, listeners, followers etc.).
    • An estimate of the travel cost.

2. Students of Journalism or Science communication 

    • Short CV. It can include data enabling us to contact two people in educational, scientific and/or journalistic circles who can give references about the person seeking the grant (this is not obligatory).
    • A letter explaining motives for wishing to attend, which should include as examples three publications (articles, podcasts, web postings, videos etc) of science communication published in the past 2 years, indicating in which of the media they were published and the resulting impact (number of readers, listeners, followers etc.).
    • An estimate of the travel cost.


Evaluation and acceptance of the grant

The Selection Committe for the 10xCIENCIA grants, made up of members of the Organizing Committee, will evaluate the applications received and will let all the applicants know the result of this announcement. A document giving the result will be published on the web of 100xCIENCIA.

The estimated date of the result and the announcement of the grants is July 31st, 2015

Those candidates who have received one of the grants must present written confirmation of their acceptance within 5 days of the announcement of the results.

Any questions about this call for applications can be addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Guideline calendar:

Date of the announcement: 19th  June 2015

Closing date for applications: 24.00h on 19th July  2015

Final date for evaluation of the applications: 30th July 2015

Communication and publication of the result: 31st July 2015

Contact:       Phone: +34 922605336; +34 660507549
100xCIENCIA Communicating Frontier Science. La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), October 2015
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