Your moment of science

Science outreach competition in 100xCIENCIA

Can the beauty of a scientific concept be conveyed in a song or a poem? Can the story of a scientific discovery be told in a comic or a monologue? Can a scientific idea be summarized in a slogan? And in general terms what other forms of communication can be used as a means of transmitting scientific knowledge to the general public in a direct, immediate, and attractive form?

The social media are opening up new rapid, interactive and effective ways to communicate, with millions of users who share their contents, and give their opinions about them. In a society where new science and new discoveries are produced at high velocity, the social media are very useful in the popularization and outreach activities of science. 

The 100xCIENCIA Forum is announcing the online competition “Your moment of science”, to which new ways to communicate and popularize science can presented via the social media. The work has to be original and may not have been presented to other competitions. The winner will be able to attend the 100xCIENCIA conference, which will take place in La Palma on October 7th and 8th 2015, and will present their work there. The cost of travel to La Palma and of lodging ( if necessary) will be paid for by the organization of this event.




This competition aims at stimulating and recognizing innovative and efficient ideas for communicating and popularizing science for the general public, in particular about the principles, advances and benefits of science.


Original unpublished work lasting for 1 minute can be presented in audiovisual format. Each contribution will consist of one piece of scientific communication/outreach, which conveys a concept, a discovery, a benefit, or an unanswered question in any field of science. If the piece includes text, the language must be Spanish or English.

Each participant may present as many entries as he/she likes, but each entry will be judged individually


Anyone older than 18 years old may enter. No previous experience in science communication or outreach is necessary, nor will such experience be taken into account.

Form and timing of presentations.

The entries may be presented until 24:00 hrs on September 23rd 2015 ( Spanish peninsular time). 

Participation in the competition will be via the Woobox platform, which is set up on the Facebook page of 100xCIENCIA Participants should fill in the web based entry form (with their names and contact data) and include a link to the audiovisual presentation which they are entering for the competition.

Selection process

From 24th until 29th September 2015, the Facebook users will vote to select the best entries.

The entries with the largest number of votes will be evaluated by the 100xCIENCIA organization which will choose the winner of the contest.

The criteria which will be used to judge the entries are: originality, rigour, ease of understanding, attractiveness to the general public, accessibility, and any extra merits which the jury may deem worthy.

The prize

The winner will be announced on 30th September. The prize will be attendance at 100xCIENCIA including the cost of the journey to La Palma, 4 nights’ lodging (from Tuesday 6th October until Saturday 10th October 2015), with half board, plus transport and meals during the visit to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on Friday 9th October, up to a maximum total cost of €1,000. 

The winning entry will be published on the web page of 100xCIENCIA, and will be circulated on the social network pages, and the winner will be invited to present it during the Forum.

Acceptance of the regulations

Participation in this competition implies a declaration of the originality of the entries and publication rights. It also implies the transfer without cost to 100xScience of the non-exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, and public communication of the prize-winning entries, or those with honourable mention. The entries may not be subject to previous editorial commitments. Participation in this competition assumes complete acceptance of the present regulations, which can be freely interpreted by the organization of 100xScience where in those aspects which have not been anticipated. 


Participate in the competition through the 100xCIENCIA page.

Contact:       Phone: +34 922605336; +34 660507549
100xCIENCIA Communicating Frontier Science. La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), October 2015
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