Talk abstract details
From CoRoT light curves to candidates and planets
More than 150 000 high precision light curves with durations up to about 160 days have been collected and analyzed with the goal of detecting planets with the transit method. Transits are detected in about 150 up to ~400 light curves per run. These detected transits are however predominantly transiting stellar systems discarded thanks to a detailed analysis of the light curve which benefits the high photometric precision and the long continuous duration of the observations. The remaining candidates are then subject to an intense follow-up screening which relies on a large accompanying ground-based observation program.
We have carried out an homogeneous analysis of all the transit candidates detected in the CoRoT/Exoplanet light curves by the detection team. These candidates have been analyzed with a single software in order to provide an homogenous estimate of their parameters. The planetary likelihood has been also evaluated through an automated software that asses the robustness of the candidate over 6 different criteria. The results of this vetting of the candidates is compared to those achieved on their nature from follow-up observations. We will present the outcomes from these analyses and the properties of these candidates.
We have carried out an homogeneous analysis of all the transit candidates detected in the CoRoT/Exoplanet light curves by the detection team. These candidates have been analyzed with a single software in order to provide an homogenous estimate of their parameters. The planetary likelihood has been also evaluated through an automated software that asses the robustness of the candidate over 6 different criteria. The results of this vetting of the candidates is compared to those achieved on their nature from follow-up observations. We will present the outcomes from these analyses and the properties of these candidates.