Talk abstract details

Prospects for follow-up observations of CoRoT planets and candidates
C. Moutou, M. Deleuil, F. Bouchy et al


In six years of continuous follow-up observations of CoRoT exoplanet candidates, the CEST team has achieved the detection of 32 planets and the identification of several hundreds false positives. At a time where new candidates are not provided anymore by the satellite, we should still coordinate somehow the future follow-up observations of the CoRoT candidate list. This talk should rather be an introduction to a open discussion, on the following questions:
-what programs for observing CoRoT planets: high-precision photometry (colors, timing, transit shape); radial velocity (eccentricity, other planets); stellar characterization ?
-what programs for observing unsolved candidates: low-resolution spectroscopy; high-resolution ground-based photometry? ...
-discussion from the current list of unsolved candidates (what candidate requires what observations)
-who can coordinate such effort? what community outside CEST would be interested to contribute?

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