Poster abstract details

Classification spectra and determination of stellar fundamental parameters.
Alexander Kaiser, Markus Hareter, Werner W. Weiss


In the time of large space based missions like Corot and Kepler the increasing need for accurate fundamental parameters of a large number of observed targets for further analysis and interpretation is obvious. This leads to a severe competition for time on large telescopes for the needed spectroscopic follow up programs. We present an approach to use classification spectra which are easier to get and show the possibilities and limitations of a fully automated tool for the determination of temperature, surface gravity and metallicity. We also present a comparison with fundamental parameter determination via multi-color photometry.

Our pipeline works for stars in the temperature range from 5000 to 20000 K. Temperatures, surface gravities and metallicity of approximately 14000 stars are available now for the IRa1, LRa1 and LRa2 of CoRoT, which will be published in a catalogue.

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