Talk abstract details
The CoRoT colours: a promising data-mining
The CoRoT coloured light curves, despite they constitute an uniqueness in space missions, have been analysed only marginally up to now. Beside they have been used for discriminating false positive planetary candidates, the attempts to handle them as a characterization tool are only a few.
In the asteroseismology channel, they were used to discriminate between the radial and non-radial nature of the pulsation mode on a delta-Sct star (Poretti et al. 2011A\&A...528A.147P), or to identify different sources altering the white light curve of a single target (Papar{\'o} et al. 2011A\&A...531A.135P). In the exoplanetary channel, just few attempts have been done in characterizing the planets (e.g. CoRoT-7b, L{\'e}ger et al. 2009A\&A...506..287L; CoRoT-8b, Bord{\'e} et al. 2010A\&A...520A..66B).
We are analysing the CoRoT colours of exoplanets, applying corrections for the contamination of nearby stars to have homogeneous light curves. We are obtaining promising results in order to provide useful hints for future investigations of planetary atmospheres (Borsa & Poretti 2013MNRAS.428..891B). We are aware that the information of the wavelength of a specific CoRoT colour varies for each target, and we are working on this aspect by applying stellar models to evaluate their spectral range.
The CoRoT colours need to be handled with caution, but giving them a systematic attention, a lot of useful and still unknown information can be retrieved.
In the asteroseismology channel, they were used to discriminate between the radial and non-radial nature of the pulsation mode on a delta-Sct star (Poretti et al. 2011A\&A...528A.147P), or to identify different sources altering the white light curve of a single target (Papar{\'o} et al. 2011A\&A...531A.135P). In the exoplanetary channel, just few attempts have been done in characterizing the planets (e.g. CoRoT-7b, L{\'e}ger et al. 2009A\&A...506..287L; CoRoT-8b, Bord{\'e} et al. 2010A\&A...520A..66B).
We are analysing the CoRoT colours of exoplanets, applying corrections for the contamination of nearby stars to have homogeneous light curves. We are obtaining promising results in order to provide useful hints for future investigations of planetary atmospheres (Borsa & Poretti 2013MNRAS.428..891B). We are aware that the information of the wavelength of a specific CoRoT colour varies for each target, and we are working on this aspect by applying stellar models to evaluate their spectral range.
The CoRoT colours need to be handled with caution, but giving them a systematic attention, a lot of useful and still unknown information can be retrieved.