Social events

We are planning the following social events:

  • Welcome cocktail on Sunday evening
  • An excursion on Wednesday afternoon
  • A conference dinner on Thursday evening

Please fill in the form to select your favourite excursion on Wednesday afternoon and the let us know if you will take part in the conference dinner.


The price of the excursions is included in the registration fees but accompanying persons will have to pay for the excursion. We estimate the departure time from the hotel around 13:00h for a return around 18:30h (depending on the excursion). The availability of the excursion depends on the number of persons interested in each event. At this time, we can not guarantee that an excursion will take place.

Participants are requested to register for one of the excursions listed below at the time of registration. Note that the number of participants is limited. The choices are the following:

  1. Thematic park Aguilas del Teide
  2. Half a day Teide tour
  3. Walk/hike downhill in Masca and return by boat to Los Gigantes
  4. Submarine tour
  5. Dolphins and whales near Los Gigantes

The price for accompanying persons is 40 Euros per person per excursion.

Conference dinner:

The conference dinner will take at the Frontos restaurant, a distinguished local wine-cellar in the municipality of Granadilla de Abona in the South of the island of Tenerife. The menu is available in Spanish and in English.