Poster abstract

A new look at G353.2+0.9: cloud cores and star formation
A. Giannetti, J. Brand, F. Massi, M.T. Beltran


We identify multiple cores in different molecules and transitions, and
perform a comparative study through LTE and LVG analyses.
Particular attention is given to the elephant-trunk structure pointing towards
the open cluster Pis-24. The molecular clump associated with this feature
appears to be very dense and hosts young stellar objects; one of these is
located at its apex.
The bright elongated structure, usually referred to as the
``ionization front'' is not associated with any molecular material, and is
therefore most likely not an ionization front. This finding
effectively proves that the stars of Pis-24 are the main source of excitation
of G353.2+0.9.
With our JHK photometry we identify and classify the embedded sources. We
confirm the presence of an abnormal reddening law in this region.
We find highly reddened sources, up to $A_v\sim 30$ mag, several
of which show a NIR excess, proving the existence of a very young population
of embedded stellar objects. Our deep NIR photometry also allows us to
establish the eventual presence of evolutionary gradients and of an increase
in surface density of stars, witnessing the presence of deeply embedded,
recently-formed star clusters.