Poster abstract

Numerical Models of the First Cores: Comparison with Observed Candidates
Kengo Tomida, Kohji Tomisaka, Ryohei Kawabe, Kazuya Saigo, Masahiro N. Machida


The first core is a transient hydrostatic object formed in the early phase of low-mass star formation process. Forty years have passed since Larson (1969) theoretically proposed this object, but it has never been confirmed by observation. However, the first core is a crucial object because it will give us direct evidence to constrain and understand the low-mass star formation process if we could observe it.

Recently, Chen et al. (2010) reported detection of a first core candidate. NAOJ group and collaborators (Kawabe et al., in preparation) also found a peculiar dense core in a nearby star-forming region. In order to confirm whether they are first cores or not, we compare these observations with theoretical models. We calculate intensity distribution and SED expected for the first core models obtained from our radiative MHD simulations by post-processing radiation transfer. We find surprisingly good agreement in the observed properties between our observations and simulations. Therefore we believe that this object will be another first core candidate, although we require more extensive observations using many wavelengths such as Herschel and ALMA to derive a firm conclusion.