Poster abstract

Magnetically driven outflows during massive star formation
Daniel Seifried, Robi Banerjee


We present collapse simulations of high mass, rotating and magnetized molecular
cloud cores. The combined effect of rotation and magnetic fields leads to the occurrence of outflow phenomena. Our special interest lays in the long term evolution of large scale outflows appearing already in the early phase of stellar evolution. These outflows seem to release a significant amount of mass into the ambient medium and therefore reduce the rate of accretion onto the protostar. The removal of angular momentum also affects the stability of the disk. Fragmentation of the disk at later stages seems to have a significant effect on the further evolution of the outflow as well as on the accretion history of the individual protostars. We are following the long term evolution of the simulation with the help of sink particles. With this technique we are able to examine whether magnetically driven outflows are persistent or just transient features. In the former case outflows should be able to open channels of low density gas through which radiation can escape.