Poster abstract

Search and spectroscopic characterization of ultracool subdwarfs.
Espinoza Contreras, M.; Lodieu (IAC, Tenerife); Zapatero Osorio; Solano; Martin; Aberasturi (CAB,


Ultracool subdwarfs are important tracers of the chemical enrichment of the Galaxy and likely belong to the first generation of stars.
We have cross-matched several large database, including UKIDSS, SDSS, and 2MASS, to look for ultracool subdwarf candidates i.e. metal-poor dwarfs with spectral types later than M5. We have obtained optical spectra of a large sample of candidates with VLT/FORS2 and GTC/OSIRIS to confirm (or otherwise) their low-metallicity status. In this poster, we present the photometric selection and preliminary results of the spectroscopic follow-up.