Poster abstract

A new molecular outflow in the Vulpecula Rift
Joseph C. Mottram, Chris M. Brunt


We have discovered a new massive molecular outflow in the Vulpecula Rift associated with a cold molecular core in our 45$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ resolution FCRAO $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO (J=1$-$0) Exeter Northern Galatic Plane CO Survey observations. At this resolution it is potentially one of the most massive found thus far and, with a ratio of M$_{out}$/M$_{core}$ of $\sim$0.8, much higher than typical. We present the initial detection, along with JCMT HARP-B follow-up observations at 15$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ resolution in $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO and C$^{18}$O (J=3$-$2), HCO$^{+} and H$^{13}$CO$^{+}$ (J=4$-$3) and SiO (J=8$-$7) which show that the outflow is still active and breaks up into several components.