Poster abstract

The Initial Mass Function and internal dynamics of the starburst cluster Westerlund 1 from near-infrared adaptive optics observations
N. Kudryavtseva, W.Brandner, A.Stolte, M.Gennaro, B.Hussmann, B.Rochau


Starburst clusters are well known for their high rate of star formation. Around ten starburst clusters are currently known in our galaxy and Westerlund 1 (Wd 1) with its rich population of high-mass stars is the most massive one. Strong winds and ultraviolet radiation from massive stars in the center of Wd1 have cleared away nearby material, giving a chance better to resolve individual cluster members. Very close location of Wd 1 to the galactic plane (b= -0.35°), yields a strong contamination by fore- and background nonmembers. For unbiased determination of the cluster parameters and IMF, we have made a proper motion membership selection, based on 2 epochs NACO/VLT observations with a 5 years time baseline. At the age of 4 Myr, the stars in Wd 1 are only a little affected by dynamical evolution, that's why present-day mass function of Wd 1 is identical with the initial mass function. We discuss physical and dynamical properties of Wd 1 and present a new estimate of the intermediate to low-mass IMF of the cluster.