Poster abstract

The Spiral Structure of the Outer Milky Way
Lee J Summers, Christopher M Brunt


Molecular Clouds are the sites of all known Galactic star formation, hence any attempt to understand the process by which the stars form must include an understanding as to the formation, evolution and properties of the host Molecular Cloud. Star Forming Molecular Clouds tend to be concentrated within the Spiral Arms of the Galaxy, so the knowledge as to the locations of these Spiral Arms would be useful. This work, using 12/13CO data taken from observations from the Exeter-FCRAO CO Galactic Plane Survey, supplemented by CGPS HI data, maps the location of the Spiral structure of the Outer Galaxy in both space and velocity over the Galactic Longitude range of 55 - 193 degrees. We also present re-sampled spatially convolved position-position-velocity maps of the Spiral Arms. The maps are then subject to a clump/cloud finding analysis, the results of which are presented here.