
Day 1 - Tuesday 18 February




09h00 - 09h30



09h30 - 09h45

Welcome and logistics


09h45 - 10h30

Introduction to ALMA


10h30 - 11h00

Coffee break


11h00 - 11h45

10+ years ALMA science overview


11h45 - 12h30 

ALMA Cycle 12 CfP:


12h30 - 13h00 



13h00 - 14h00

Lunch break


14h00 - 16h00

Hands-on session:        

The ALMA OT: Recipes OR Own proposal


16h00 - 16h30

Coffee break


16h30 - 17h15

Poster session

The Extended Molecular Gas of Circinus and NGC 1097 seen by APEXAkhil Lasrado

M1-92 and a multispecies modelling , Elisa Masa

The rotating disk and hourglass-shaped nebula around 89 Herculis , Ivan Gallardo Cava

Millimeter-wave probes of axion dark matter with neutron stars , Javier De Miguel

*  Star formation and AGN triggering in Arp-Madore interacting galaxies , Pedro H. Cezar

*  MeerKAT view of Hickson Compact Groups: data products and HI deficiency , Roger Ianjamasimanana

Comprehensive Study of Blazars: Insights from Multi-Wavelength Data , Mona Molham

More accurate ALMA chromospheric temperatures with machine learning , Eva Sola-Viladesau



Day 2 - Wednesday 19 February



09h00 - 09h45

The ALMA archive

09h45 - 10h30

Archival science overview

10h30 - 11h00

Coffee break

11h00 - 11h45

CARTA demo

11h45 - 13h00

Hands-on session: Navigating the ALMA archive

13h00 - 14h00

Lunch break

14h00 - 14h45

ALMA user support in Europe

14h45 - 15h30

VLBI with ALMA & EHT  

15h30 - 16h00

Coffee break

16h00 - 17h00

Real-life examples ("ALMA in practice")

The story of G17 - a massive proto-star

* Obscured star formation in a galaxy cluster at z=2.2

* QSOFeed  


Day 3 - Thursday 20 February



09h00 - 09h30

ALMA data

09h30 - 10h15

ALMA Quality A ssurance

10h15 - 11h00

Reimaging ALMA data

11h00 - 11h30

Coffee break

11h30 - 13h00

Hands-on session: Weblog review for PIs

13h00 - 14h00

Lunch break

14h00 - 14h30

Joint Proposals with ALMA

14h30 - 15h00

The Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade

15h00 - 16h00

Q&A and moderated discussion


End of the meeting

Tutors & Organisers

Social dinner

The social dinner will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2025 at the Mesón El Escudo, C. Marqués de Celada, 70, 38202 La Laguna, at 19h00