Studying the Effects of Gamma Ray Burst Jets on the Supernova Emission and its Use to Discover Orphan Afterglows

Laura Cotter


The death of massive stars is typically observed by the emission of what is known as supernova. In the case of massive stars with stripped layers of hydrogen and helium and strong winds, known as Wolf-Rayets, a second component much powerful, known as gamma-ray burst (GRBs) can also be seen. While the supernova component is emitted almost isotropically, GRBs are jetted and thus, if the star is observed from an off-axis position with respect to their poles, the GRB can be missed entirely. In this poster, I study the possible effects of the GRB emission on the supernova emission and thus, possibly inferred its existence even in those cases when the main emission could not be seen due to off-axis effects. As a result of this study, it was found that the supernova spectra without no GRB associations, were more diverse. This seems to hint at the possibility of estimating the off-axis angle within an accuracy of ~ 10 degrees.
