Poster abstract details
Luminosity and Abundance Correlations in a Carefully-Studied Sample of PNe
We report the results of empirical correlation studies of a homogeneously observed and analyzed set of 120 Galactic PNe spanning a wide range of distances, abundances, excitation, densities, and both major Peimbert types. Our goal is to continue the analysis of these data begun in Milingo et al 2010 and Henry et al 2010 who primarily examined correlations of abundances and with galactocentric radius R$_{gal}$. We find that a subsample of PNe chosen for their large [OIII] luminosities, L[OIII], generally show tighter abundance correlations as a function of log(O/H) than does the full sample. In addition to He/H and N/H, the abundances of Cl and Ar correlate with Peimbert types I and II. These results are not sensitive to the derived values of ionization correction factors, ICF. Finally, we show that L[OIII] rises and then falls when plotted against the physical radius R$_{neb}$ of PNe, the latter a likely proxy for nebular age. This result nicely complements the studies of Frew 2008 (PhD thesis) who found a tight correlation of H$eta$ and [OIII] surface brightness with R$_{neb}$. [NII]/H$alpha$ and HeII 4686/H$eta$ ratios also correlate with R$_{neb}$, but the trends are scattered.