Poster abstract details
The kinematical behavior of the planetary nebulae with [WC] central star.
High resolution spectroscopic data of a large sample of galactic planetary nebulae with [WC] central stars ([WC]PNe), obtained with the spectrographs "echelle" of OAN-SPM, Mexico, and MIKE at Clay 6.5-m telescope, Las Campanas Observatory, are analyzed to determine their kinematical behavior.
Their heliocentric and LSR velocities are determined with a precision better than a few km/s. Distances obtained from the literature are used to derive the peculiar velocities of the objects, V(pec)= V(LRS)-V(circ).
Our preliminary results are:
- The [WC]PNe are distributed in the galactic disk and they appear more concentrated than the normal PNe.
- Separating the sample in Peimbert types, we find that Type I PNe show in general low peculiar velocities (< 50 km/s) except for a couple of objects apparently belonging to the galactic bulge. For the other [WC]PNe, most of them belong to Type II (defined as having V(pec) < 60 km/s). However there is an important fraction (17%) showing V(pec) larger than 60 km/s therefore they are classified as Type III. Our results are being analyzed.
Their heliocentric and LSR velocities are determined with a precision better than a few km/s. Distances obtained from the literature are used to derive the peculiar velocities of the objects, V(pec)= V(LRS)-V(circ).
Our preliminary results are:
- The [WC]PNe are distributed in the galactic disk and they appear more concentrated than the normal PNe.
- Separating the sample in Peimbert types, we find that Type I PNe show in general low peculiar velocities (< 50 km/s) except for a couple of objects apparently belonging to the galactic bulge. For the other [WC]PNe, most of them belong to Type II (defined as having V(pec) < 60 km/s). However there is an important fraction (17%) showing V(pec) larger than 60 km/s therefore they are classified as Type III. Our results are being analyzed.