Poster abstract details
The Multipolar Planetary Nebula NGC 5189
NGC 5189 is a planetary nebula (PN) which morphology, described in the literature as "highly chaotic", has been poorly studied over the years. The asymmetrical PN is indeed complex with its multiple outflows, cometary knots, low ionization structures and twisted torus. Interestingly NGC 5189 presents three main outflows which are the morphological signatures of episodic mass loss events, most likely emerging from a precessing source. The same pattern is also found in point symmetric PNe. In order to study this phenomenon with more details we present optical imaging from Las Campanas Observatory as well as high resolution spectra taken at the Anglo Australian Telescope with the Manchester Echelle Spectrograph (MES). The kinematical information combined with the morpho-kinematic modelling and reconstruction tool {\it SHAPE} are giving new insights not only into NGC 5189 itself but also into the class of multipolar PNe.