Poster abstract details
Investigation of the recombination of the retarded shell of ``born-again'' CSPNe by time-Dependent radiative transfer models
\noindent\phantom{XXXX}$^1$) Department of Mathematics, University Innsbruck\\
\phantom{XXXX}$^2$) Institute of Astro and Particle Physics, University Innsbruck\\
\phantom{XXXX}$^3$) Institute of Theoretical Physics, University Innsbruck
A normal planetary nebula stays more then 10\,000 years in the state of a photoionized nebula.
As long as the timescales of the most important ionizing processes are much smaller,
the ionization state can be characterized by a static
photoionization model and simulated with codes like, e.g., CLOUDY. When the
star exhibits a late Helium flash, however, the ionizing flux stops within a very
short timescale. The star then re-appears from it's opaque shell after a
few years (or centuries) as a cold giant star without any hard ionizing
photons. Describing the physics of such behavior requires a fully
time-dependent radiative transfer model. Past investigations
used data of the old nebulae around V605 Aql and V4334 Sgr to derive a model of the pre-outburst state of the CSPN in a static model. With regard to these models Sch{\"o}nberner (2008, ASPC, 391, 139) critically raised the question
whether a significant change in the ionization state (and thus the spectrum) has to be expected after a time of 80 years, and whether static models are applicable at all. \\
Here we directly address this problem/question and present the results of a time-dependent radiative transfer recombination model to derive parameters for the state of this dynamical phase of such a nebula.
\noindent {\footnotesize *) presenting author}
\phantom{XXXX}$^2$) Institute of Astro and Particle Physics, University Innsbruck\\
\phantom{XXXX}$^3$) Institute of Theoretical Physics, University Innsbruck
A normal planetary nebula stays more then 10\,000 years in the state of a photoionized nebula.
As long as the timescales of the most important ionizing processes are much smaller,
the ionization state can be characterized by a static
photoionization model and simulated with codes like, e.g., CLOUDY. When the
star exhibits a late Helium flash, however, the ionizing flux stops within a very
short timescale. The star then re-appears from it's opaque shell after a
few years (or centuries) as a cold giant star without any hard ionizing
photons. Describing the physics of such behavior requires a fully
time-dependent radiative transfer model. Past investigations
used data of the old nebulae around V605 Aql and V4334 Sgr to derive a model of the pre-outburst state of the CSPN in a static model. With regard to these models Sch{\"o}nberner (2008, ASPC, 391, 139) critically raised the question
whether a significant change in the ionization state (and thus the spectrum) has to be expected after a time of 80 years, and whether static models are applicable at all. \\
Here we directly address this problem/question and present the results of a time-dependent radiative transfer recombination model to derive parameters for the state of this dynamical phase of such a nebula.
\noindent {\footnotesize *) presenting author}