Poster abstract details
Grids of Synthetic Spectra for H-poor Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae (CSPNe)
We present comprehensive grids of model spectra from far-UV to IR, covering the parameter space of [WC]-type CSPNe (Keller et al. 2011, MNRAS, submitted) and PG1159 stars. Models are calculated with CMFGEN accounting for non-LTE, line blanketing, winds, and clumping, and including ions previously neglected. Our uniform model set enables systematic analysis of observed spectra to constrain stellar parameters, facilitates line identification, and illustrates spectral line changes across the CSPN evolutionary phase. The grids are available at We used them to analyze UV and far-UV spectra of the hot Central Stars of NGC6905 and NGC5189. We also explore additional parameters, such as less abundant ions not included in the wider grids and the iron abundance. GK acknowledges support from CAPES-0370-09-6 and Fapesp-06/58240-3 grants.