Poster abstract details
MASH Planetary Nebulae detected with the Australia Telescope Compact Array
We present multifrequency radio-continuum observations of 235 Galactic PNe from the MASH catalogue made with the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). A subset of 123 PNe (52%) were clearly detected, and our new, accurate radio flux densities are among the lowest ever measured for Galactic PNe. Using a compiled data-set of previously known and our newly detected PNe, the radio brightness temperature distributions in three discrete samples were studied. These concern the Solar neighbourhood, distant Galactic disk, and Galactic bulge PN populations. We compare the detection rates and flux densities against the spatial properties of PNe in each sample. A clear selection effect is found at lower Galactic latitudes due to severe extinction. In addition, we are developing new, robust techniques of PN detection, classification and diagnostics based on mid-IR to radio flux ratios to help refine searches for Galactic PNe in obscured regions. In this talk I will present our new results as well as prospects for further research.