Poster abstract details
VISIR-VLT mid-infrared images of the water emitting planetary nebula K3-35
K 3-35 is an extremely young bipolar planetary nebula that contains
a precessing bipolar jet and a small (radius 80 AU) water maser
equatorial ring. We have obtained VISIR-VLT images in the SiC,
PAH1, and [SIV] filters to analyze the morphology of K 3-35 at
mid-IR wavelengths and to investigate the temperature structure of
its dust emission. The images show the innermost nebular regions
(undetected at optical wavelengths) and the bipolar jets. The temperature map shows two distinct regions in the nebula: a low
temperature region associated to the equatorial zone, and two high
temperature regions associated to the bipolar lobes.
a precessing bipolar jet and a small (radius 80 AU) water maser
equatorial ring. We have obtained VISIR-VLT images in the SiC,
PAH1, and [SIV] filters to analyze the morphology of K 3-35 at
mid-IR wavelengths and to investigate the temperature structure of
its dust emission. The images show the innermost nebular regions
(undetected at optical wavelengths) and the bipolar jets. The temperature map shows two distinct regions in the nebula: a low
temperature region associated to the equatorial zone, and two high
temperature regions associated to the bipolar lobes.