Poster abstract details
Radio Continuum and Radio Recombination Line Imaging toward Selected Planetary Nebulae
H66alpha recombination line and 1.3 cm continuum observations have been carried out with the Very Large Array (angular resolution about 4") toward a sample of four planetary nebule: NGC 7009, NGC 6369, NGC 3242 and NGC 6572. The H66alpha line has been detected for all nebulae, around its geometric center. We analyze the kinematics of the line toward the center where in some cases there are clear velocity gradients. In all nebulae the line and the continuum emission have a very similar spatial distribution, suggesting that at this wavelength the dominant continuum process is the optically thin free-free, since both recombination line and free-free emissions originate mostly from electron-proton interactions, and that there is no significant contribution from spinning dust.