Poster abstract details
The role of heat conduction to the physical properties of the Planetary Nebula BD+30$^\circ$\,3639
X-ray observations of the bright and young planetary nebula BD+30$^\circ$\,3639 have revealed diffuse emission in an extended region around the H-deficient central star. In order to reproduce the physical properties of this diffuse emission, we have, at first, extended our time-dependent photoionization models with heat conduction for such H-deficient conditions. We have then calculated an extensive set of models to match observed properties of both the wind-blown bubble and the surrounding nebula. In this study we have had to consider the slow AGB wind, the fast hot-CSPN wind, as well as detailed properties of the stellar evolution. I will present the outcome of our study, showing how delicate physical interactions have formed this object. Precise estimates are, for example, required of poorly known properties such as the stellar mass, the AGB wind, and the stellar evolution. Empirically, the results are most sensitive to properties of the fast CSPN wind; we need to adopt an expansion velocity of at least 1000km/s to form a bubble. The H-deficient heat conduction efficiency is also lower than in more H-rich objects, the electron temperature in the bubble still comes out right, at a few million Kelvin. A main conclusion of our work is that heat conduction is needed to explain X-ray properties of wind-blown bubbles also in these H-deficient objects.