Pere Estupinyà

Pere Estupinyà is a biochemist, a scientific communicator and writer. He has been editor of the programme REDES on Spanish national television, TVE, Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT and has worked in the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He was professor of Science,Technology and Society at the Universidad Ramon Llull, author of the blog “Science Notes from MIT” in El Pais, analyst of scientific journalism for KSJ Tracker of MIT for 5 years, and frequent collaborator with a number of Spanish language media.

He is a consultan on science and innovation for Latin America in the Interamerican Development Bank, an international lecturer and author of the books El Ladrón de Cerebros, Rascar donde no pica, y S=EX2: La Ciencia del Sexo (Editorial Penguin Random House). In 2015 he directed and presented a television series of science outreach in Ecuador, is writing a new book which will be published in 2016 and is preparing the programme “El Ladrón de Cerebros” for TVE.

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100xCIENCIA Communicating Frontier Science. La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), October 2015
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