Javier Gregori

Javier Gregori is a journalist and writer. As a journalist he works in Spain’s major radio network (Cadena SER Network) where he is in charge of the area dealing with news about science, and the environment. He has been awarded the National Prize for Environmental Journalism and has been Professor of Science Journalism at the Carlos III University, Madrid.

As a writer he has authored books on science popularization (Astronauts, Explorers of Space) and novels such as The Revenge of the Cuckoo Children (Editorial Ciruela) or the collection The Pentasonics (Editorial Edebé) which he wrote with his daughter Inés.

Javier Gregori has also studied Dramatic Art, plays the violin, and has traveled the world (from the North Pole to the South Pole, passing through Patagonia, Greenland, Central America, and South Africa). He has also been in charge of the science section of the weekly magazine Cambio 16, and has worked with the Localia TV Channel.


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100xCIENCIA Communicating Frontier Science. La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), October 2015
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