Poster abstract details

Morphological classification of emission type stars
Gregor Traven, Tomaž Zwitter


Gaia-ESO is the most ambitious high resolution public spectroscopic survey so far, targeting more than 100 000 stars down to magnitude 19, systematically covering all major components of the Milky Way. We detected 1513 spectra with H-alpha in emission out of 12841 observed in the red spectral band where the majority of stars are young open cluster members. Of these 12% emission-type objects around 50% have multiple-component and asymmetrical profiles of H-alpha. Detection of outliers in the scope of an all-sky survey is important for reliable determination of kinematic properties of stars and chemical tagging. It further enables us to explore peculiar objects which exhibit emission. We classified multiple-component profiles in distinct morphological groups and derived general parameters for single component profiles. A significant fraction of all detections might be due to the emission of the surrounding medium (nebulae) and this is one of the issues we tackle with.