Author Instructions

The proceedings of the meeting will be published by Cambridge  University Press . There is no page limit, but typically we expect a contribution of 30 to 40 pages per topic.

In order to ensure that papers received for publication in the printed volume are consistent in format, style, and quality, authors are required to type their manuscripts the Cambridge University Press LaTeX2e files. These can be obtained from

If you should have any LaTeX problems, please contact Pere L. Pallé at

Important Notes:

1 - Make sure that the figures are in black and white (including text, lines, markers etc) and the images are in colour, and that both have the maximum resolution possible.

2 - The source of all figures/images are cited.

3 - Provide a list of all acronyms used. These include names of institutions (e.g. IAC, IAU), telescopes (e.g. SoHO) instruments (MDI), image formats (FITS) etc.

Submitting your contribution:

We suggest you submit a tar file of your manuscript, using your surname as the filename e.g. bedding.tar. Please submit the tar file to our anonymous ftp site, i.e.

Username: anonymous
Passwd: <your email address>
cd /in/winter2010
put bedding.tar